5 Great Benefits of Usana Essentials that everyone really enjoys.

In this fast pacing world eating right and healthy is a big challenge. Knowing the fact that you can't get all the nutrition you need by just eating fruits and vegetables alone, taking dietary supplements is a must.

Here are the top 5 Benefits of using USANA Essentials that people love.

1. BETTER SLEEP QUALITY - most of us face the challenge of having a good quality sleep. Have ever felt tired sleeping for 10-12 hours yet you still feel tired upon waking up? Sleep is not about the length but quality. USANA Essentials has 20 Mega Antioxidant that helps us to relax and repair. With a great amount of antioxidant, we spare our natural Melatonin (a hormone that promotes relaxation and induces sleep) from being used due to too much stress and oxidative damage. USANA Essentials also has Magnesium which is known to relieve insomnia due to its capability to decrease cortisol which is a "Stress Hormone" that prevents you sleep at night.

2. BETTER METABOLISM - ever wonder why some of your friends eat a lot but never gets fat? Some eat too little but they easily gain weight and it is too hard for them to lose fats. One part of the body to blame is our Thyroid gland. The thyroid gland secretes thyroid hormone that controls our metabolism. Too much thyroid hormone will result in excessive weight loss and too little will result in excessive weight gain. Iodine (which can be found in USANA Essentials) is the main nutrients needed by our thyroid to function normally. Complete Vitamin B Complex also plays a major role in metabolism. Some of the B vitamins help in increasing appetite while some help us to burn fats. Taking complete and bioavailable B vitamins from USANA helps us to achieve a good metabolism.

3. EXTRA STAMINA - Our body is our major machinery to earn a living and most of the time it is overused. Coenzyme Q10 is needed by our cells to produce more energy specifically by the mitochondria also known as the "Power House of the Cell". As we age and do a lot of activities our natural production of CoQ10 declines or easily depletes. Taking food supplements with CoQ10 helps us to survive the day plus the combined power of Alpha-Lipoic Acid which is a great antioxidant and used to recycle our CoQ10.

4. GOOD BOWEL MOVEMENT -  no one loves to have a good bowel movement. Ever had that feeling that it took you a few days before you can unload those waste? ;) How about having the urge NOT in the right time and moment? Yes, it sucks. A good bowel movement can be achieved with the help of bromelain, magnesium and USANA's patented OLIVOL. Having a regular bowel is a must because these are waste and needed to be expelled out of our system and when we retain waste, it can cause us too many illnesses and discomfort on our Gastro-Intestinal Tract.

5. STRONG IMMUNITY - as I've said it before, our body is our main machinery, or our money making the machine so it is very crucial to take a good care of it and avoid diseases. We are constantly exposed to different bacteria and viruses which can lead to illnesses and even life-threatening diseases. Usana Essentials has a brode spectrum of Vitamin C, not just an Ascorbic Acid which is not applicable for those who are with excessive acid production on their stomach and not even Sodium Ascorbate which is also not applicable for people who often retains water (edema) and hypertensive because of its sodium. Usana Essentials uses 4 MINERAL ASCORBATES mainly, Zinc Ascorbate, Potassium Ascorbate, Calcium Ascorbate and Magnesium Ascorbate which we know that Zinc, Potassium, Calcium, and Magnesium is highly needed by our body.
These are just the 5 among all the health benefits that most people who are using USANA ESSENTIALS enjoy. Take charge of your health and give your body the pleasure to experience these 5 health benefits aside from other health benefits your body may experience as you take these supplements.

The JAMA (Journal of American Medical Association) said that "it appears prudent for all adults to take vitamin supplements" which proves that supplementation is not a luxury but a necessity. Food supplementation mainly from USANA plays a major role in our health since we are giving our body a big favor by giving it the right amount of nutrients in the right form and balance. 

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